He didn't even fool you once, you knew he was a criminal. And then he got elected. He cut funding for everything and gave to his cronies, he ruthlessly cut disabled children's funding, locked up medically fragile children in adult nursing homes, and he abandoned his own rescue puppy.
Fool you once, shame on you. Fool you twice... what the fuck?
You deserve the title of My Stupid State.
NOW that he is able to kick off the three liberal justices on the Supreme Court, he will have full control of our state. If you think his voter purges, suppression, kickbacks and kicking the middle class was bad before... just wait.
We had a unique opportunity because everyone could compare the records of Crist and Scott. If we couldn't win with a very popular and capable politician against the fatally flawed Monty Burns caricature, I don't know when we ever will.
This is a state filled with Dems yet has the GOP in every statewide office (except for Bill). The GOP juggernaut is too big, and our FL Dems are too inept. I never realized how much until Amanda and I had to hold our own rally/fundraiser for candidates which the FL Dems should have helped.